5 Ways to Remember Your Dad This Father’s Day

The days surrounding Father’s Day can be an emotional time for those who have lost a father, especially if it is a recent loss. It can be difficult to escape the ever-constant stream of Father’s Day promotions, greeting cards, and cookouts. However, even if your father is no longer with you this Father’s Day, there are still ways in which you can celebrate and honor his memory.

  1. Get him a card. If you find yourself unable to escape the rows and rows of greeting cards, go ahead and get one for your dad. Funny or serious—pick one that describes your relationship. Then, write a note to your dad. Writing can be a good way to let out your emotions. You can tell your dad how much you miss him, what’s going on in your life, and thank him for the time that you did have together.
  2. Share memories and stories. Gather your family and friends and reminisce on all the times that you and your dad shared. Tell them about your secret nicknames, inside jokes, and that one embarrassing story that only he knew. Keep his legacy alive by passing on these stories to your children. Pull out old photos and recount the best qualities of your dad. If you find a photo that you especially love, share it on social media so your friends can remember him as well.
  3. Celebrate the other men and father figures in your life. While no one can replace your dad, it’s important to honor the other men who have shaped you. Friends, coaches, teachers, and even your mother—tell them how much you appreciate their impact on your life in the absence of your father. Likewise, if you are a father yourself, spend the day letting your children celebrate you.
  4. Spend the day doing what he loved. Take the day to yourself (or recruit the family) to pay tribute to your dad and the things he loved to do. Take a walk in his favorite park, cook his favorite meal, or watch his favorite old western movie. This is a good way to feel connected to him, even when he is no longer physically there.
  5. Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge that this will be a hard day, and it’s perfectly normal to be emotionally overwhelmed. Allow yourself to deal with your grief on your own time; the process is different for everyone. When you are ready to seek help in coping with grief, reach out to a member of the bereavement care team at ViaQuest.

Celebrating Father’s Day after a father has passed can be painful, but remember that it’s okay to grieve, laugh, cry, and celebrate—or not celebrate. Ultimately, how you choose to spend the day is up to you, as long as you allow yourself to honor your dad in a way that’s best for you.

ViaQuest has a strong support team of social workers, chaplains, volunteers, and a bereavement care team dedicated to helping you. After a loved one has passed, the ViaQuest team is here to support the emotional needs of those left behind through grief and loss counseling, memorial services, and support groups. Contact us at (855) 289-1722 for more information or visit https://viaquestinc.com/core-services/hospice/emotional-support/

Five Ways of Honoring Your Mother on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is often a hard day for those whose mothers have passed away. However, there are still ways to celebrate this holiday and continue to honor your mother even after her passing.

Have a Get-Together
Celebrate her life with those who knew her best. Spend the day with family and friends sharing fond memories and photos of your mother.

Write it Down
Don’t keep it bottled up. Consider writing a note to your mother and say how much you love and miss her. Putting it in writing may help you through your grief process.

Volunteer or Donate
Volunteer your time to one of your mother’s favorite causes or donate to a charity on your mother’s behalf. These are positive ways to honor your mother’s memory and will make you feel lighter on this emotional day.

Take up a Hobby
Maybe today is the day to explore your mother’s favorite pastime. Read that book that she always talked about or take a crack at crocheting. Do what your mother loved to do and feel connected.

Leave Flowers
Take flowers to her gravesite to commemorate the day. By spending time at her resting place, you have time to open up and reflect. If her gravesite is not near, ask a nearby friend or family member to leave a flower arrangement on your behalf.

Although Mother’s Day can be difficult, ViaQuest encourages you to look for gentle reminders and symbols of joy. ViaQuest has a strong support team of social workers, chaplains, volunteers, and a bereavement care team dedicated to helping you. Even after a loved one has passed, your ViaQuest team is here to support the emotional needs of those left behind through grief and loss counseling, memorial services, and support groups.

What Are Advance Directives & Why Are They Important?

Advance directives allow you to legally document your end-of-life decisions in advance. This documentation can help provide peace of mind by ensuring that things are handled in accordance to personally-held values and beliefs.

Advance directives enable you to express how much medical care you desire at the end-of-life. This care can include life-support machines and other life-prolonging treatment. These legal documents are your voice when you are no longer able to make decisions on your own. They allow you to outline your wishes in a way that will avoid confusion and stress later on.

There are generally three categories of advance directives: health care proxy, durable power of attorney, and a living will.

A living will documents what types of medical treatment you want in the future should you become incapable of communicating your wishes. A living will explains what life-prolonging treatment may or may not be performed. If you don’t have a living will, someone else will make the medical treatment decisions for you if you were to become incapacitated.

A health care proxy is a legal document which allows a person to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so. They are able to make medical decisions based on the most up-to-date information. This should be a person trusted to respect your wishes even in times of great stress and sadness.

A durable power of attorney allows an appointed individual to handle financial and business transactions if you are unable to perform them yourself. These decisions can include: making bank transactions, signing social security checks, applying for disability, or paying bills on your behalf.

Be mindful that different states have varying laws on advance directives and your documents must comply with your state’s laws.

It’s okay if your decision changes over the course of your lifetime. Know that you can change or cancel advance directives as long as you are considered competent and able to clearly indicate your desires. Remember to give copies of your signed and notarized advanced directive to family members, caregivers, and health care providers and notify them of any changes or cancellations.

April is Advance Directive Awareness Month, a great time to consider and document your wishes. ViaQuest encourages all individuals, regardless of age, to complete an advance directive. It’s an important step in directing your end-of-life care and ensuring your voice is heard. Having advance directives also helps reduce the stress and burden of loved ones left to make decisions when you cannot. Visit our website for resources, information and tools to help you complete your advance directives.

Getting Help for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Every year, over 200,000 people die from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It is
the third leading cause of death in the United States. What is scary about COPD is that it often
goes undetected. As a chronic and progressive condition, the early warning signs of shortness of
breath and fatigue are often dismissed as a just normal part of aging.

It is highly recommended that patients with COPD obtain care to help manage their illness. Why?
Because COPD is tricky to treat. While someone may live and be able to manage their COPD for
years, symptoms will eventually worsen. For example, a patient may develop pneumonia and
require additional medical assistance. There’s no cure for COPD.

COPD is often also very stressful for those with the disease and their family caregivers.
Individuals with COPD frequently experience difficult and uncomfortable symptoms that are
difficult hard for them to manage alone. They struggle coping with their debilitating shortness of
breath as well as their dependency on oxygen. They also face the stress of frequent
hospitalizations. In fact, over half of the patients with COPD are readmitted to the hospital within
twelve months.

It’s important to understand the symptoms of the disease, its progress, and when it’s time for
ViaQuest to help. COPD is a progressive disease and as the disease
progressesadvances, COPD patients and caregivers may needwant assistance with managing
the increasing needs of the patient.

ViaQuest can greatly improve quality of life for patients with COPD. Our specialized teams of
caregivers are uniquely trained in the management of COPDthis disease. By providing services to
control symptoms and reduce anxiety and stress, we can help make this difficult time easier and
help families facing COPD return to living as fully as possible.

Many patients coping with end stage COPD qualify for ViaQuest Hospice care. But nation-wide,
only 30% of those who qualify received care. These services work best when started early on,
allowing us the best chance to improve quality of life, reduce stress and help control symptoms.
Medicare covers hospice for most people, but both Medicaid and private insurance will also often
cover hospice care for qualified peoplepatients.

Another great benefit from our care is an increased level of support for the patient and their
caregivers. Nurses provide medical and personal care in the patient’s homes or wherever they
may be living. Our aides help with daily activities like bathing and grooming, even small meal
preparation. Volunteers provide companionship and give caregivers an often much needed break.
Emotional support is provided by our chaplains. Medication and medical equipment connected to
the disease is provided as well.

And what is often most comforting, in times of emergency, care is available 24 hours a day, 7
days a week, instead of another late night trip to the emergency room.
Managing COPD that is coupled with additional medical complications can be especially difficult
without professional medical assistance and support. To learn more about how we can help with
COPD call us at 855.289.1722.

The Holiday Reality Check – How Are Your Aging Parents Doing


This holiday season ViaQuest is encouraging a ‘holiday reality check’. Many of us return home for the holidays, the perfect time to get a real picture of how your aging family members are doing. Sometimes the return home visit can lead to a shocking discovery: your parents are not fairing as well as they led you to believe.

“Often adult children return home to find their parents are not doing quite as well as they’ve been led to believe. They discover new or increased frailties, less mobility, a general decline in their well being. They’ve been reassured for months by their parents who don’t want to burden them, or who may not want to confront their own diminishing capabilities, or who may not be fully aware themselves that they’re losing ground,” said Kathy Richard, Chief Clinical Officer, ViaQuest.

The ‘reality jolt’ is more likely to hit adult children who live far enough away that they can’t regularly look in on aging family members. They’ve been reassured that all is fine, but find out differently when they do visit.

For those returning home for the holidays, it’s the perfect time to do a reality check on how your aging family members really are doing. Look for these telltale warning signs:

  1. Are there signs of cognitive impairment? Forgetfulness and confusion are definite red flags that should never be overlooked.
  2. Take a look around the home and assess its general appearance. Are there signs of damage or neglect? If their home is not as organized or as clean as they once kept it, it could mean they are no longer able to properly do general household tasks.
  3. Is there outdated or spoiled food in the refrigerator?
  4. Are you noticing a marked weakness, loss of stamina or strength?
  5. Are there noticeable bruises? This could be a sign your loved one is having mobility or balance issues.

“Determining if help is needed then understanding what local services are available in the home is a first step, said Kathy. “Many don’t realize that there is help out there that can help keep mom or dad in their home. It could be a small change like engaging a home helper to handle laundry and shopping and help with bathing or a chore service to help with home repairs and home safety. If their decline is related to a serious illness then ViaQuest may be an option.”

At ViaQuest, we often talk about our services being an “extra layer of support“ for family caregivers. We know when you are caring for a loved one with a serious illness, you can sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed.

Imagine having a support system there for you and your loved one. With ViaQuest there’s a specially-trained team of doctors, dedicated nurses, nurses’ aides and other dedicated professionals that come to your home and support your family in caring for your loved one.

Our support includes nurses who visit the patient as often as needed and make arrangements for medications and medical equipment. Nurses’ aides help your loved one with bathing, personal care, light meals, grooming, and comfort. Our team works together with your other doctors to provide the extra care and support that enables you to feel less overwhelmed when caring for your loved one.

Our care is about sustaining and maintaining your loved one’s quality of life in their home – keeping them safe and comfortable. ViaQuest Hospice can help determine if it is appropriate for your loved one, you can learn more by calling: 855.298.1722.

No matter what you determine is the best fit for your aging parent, the holiday reality check can lead to some pragmatic steps that can help older people maintain their independence, at least for a while.
